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The Silent Praise Mime Team, affectionately known as SPMT was established by Rev. Kenny Williams, in September of 2006 on the southside of Chicago at the New Testament Baptist Church of Chicago under the leadership of their Pastor, Rev. Dr. Robert M. Freeny


The team consist of 7 members; Rev. Kenny Williams (President), Lloyd "Jay" Batts Jr. (Vice President), Devon Long, Robert Michael Freeny, Trenton Duckworth, Clinton Duckworth, and the first lady of the group; Kayla Freeny


This current group of seven has been ministering for 5 years strong. They are all family (literally) and they are called a TEAM because in their ministry Together Everyone Achieves More. When everyone work together as a unit, more can be done to encourage and edify the saved, and more can be done to catch the attention of the unsaved; in an effort to bring unbelievers into the body of Christ. This team believes that when you plant; it is God who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3: 6-9). As a result, they plant the Word of God through dance to simply assist in building the Kingdom by ultimately making disciples of all men. When asked why do they dance? Their response is simple; to show all men who Jesus is. 

Silent Praise Mime Team's History 

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